Saturday, June 7, 2008

... on buying in bulk.

There's something reassuring about having a LOT of something. This box of PostPaks, these business cards, even my 100 scalpel blades, they all speak of possibility, of the promising notion that one day they might be all used up and I'll be needing to buy some more!


Beadin By The Sea said...

I like your thinking here. There is so much promise in bulk, that is true. I just received my order for 100 jewelry boxes. Sometimes, I think, yeah right, who are you kidding that you're going to sell that much jewelry! Maybe, just maybe!

kuber... said...

I like things that come in 'hundreds'! It's a nice rounded amount that can quickly become a manageable two-digit number rather than an unweildy three-digiter! Good luck with your hundred boxes!